International Course

10 Days Full International Program in Soft Tissue Management

10 Days or 3 separate modules, choose your journey in mucogingival surgery
MODULE 1 | 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 April 2025MODULE 2 | 7 - 8 - 9 July 2025MODULE 3 | 3 - 4 - 5 Novembre 2025

By Prof. Giovanni Zucchelli - Prof. Carlo Monaco
Lecture, hands-on and Live surgery
Location: Zucchelli Institute, Bologna, Italy


Welcome to the 10 Days Full International Program on the use of soft tissue in regeneration around teeth and implants. Choose your journey with one of the following modules or participate in the entire course.

We are very happy to announce the first edition of our 10-day course, the '10 Days Full International Program in Soft Tissue Management', which was created in response to numerous requests for more in-depth training on the topics covered in our programmes. Until now, we have offered 3-day courses, but we have seen a growing need for more extensive training, especially among international colleagues.

For Italians colleagues, we offer 10 Days courses, recognising the complexity of mucogingival issues. This awareness prompted us to develop a 10 Days program, divided into 3 distinct modules, to ensure a comprehensive and in-depth training.

Enrolment in the 10 Days Full International Program in Soft Tissue Management is limited to 20 seats, to ensure a more personal and direct interaction. In addition, we have made an additional 10 seats available for individual enrolment in the 3 modules, which make up the 10 Days Full Programme, thus allowing those with different needs to manage their attendance according to personal commitments.

  • Max 20
  • 10 DAY
  • English
MODULE 1 | 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 April 2025

Soft tissue management around teeth

Duration: 4 Days
By Prof. Giovanni Zucchelli

Lecture, hands-on and Live surgery
Location: Zucchelli Institute, Bologna, Italy

Day 1-2-3-4 from 9am to 6am

Welcome to the module that is part of the 10 Days Full International Program. You can enroll in either the single module or the entire Full Program.


  • Gingival recession and non carious cervical lesion
  • The rationale for the restorative treatment prior to the surgery
  • Combined mucogingival and restorative treatment for single gingival recession: rationale and indications
  • Biological background behind the Coronally Advanced Flap and biological and clinical advantages with respect other surgical techniques
  • The role of keratinized tissue in the coronally advanced flap and how to compensate to its lack: the role of the connective tissue graft
  • Coronally advanced flap with or without connective tissue graft in the treatment of single type gingival recession
  • The step by step harvesting technique of the free gingival graft
  • The extra-oral disepithelization of the free gingival graft
  • The expected biological healing after coronally advanced flap for the treatment of gingival recession: the role of root planning, EDTA and the use of Amelogenin
  • The difficult score for the treatment of gingival recession
  • The vertically-coronally advanced flap in the treatment of gingival recession in the lower incisors
  • Treament of multiple gingival recession in the upper jaw: the envelope type of coronally advanced flap and its modifications
  • Treatment multiple gingival recession in lower jaw: the area of emergency of the mental nerve

Video of all surgical procedures

Periodontal regeneration:

  • Diagnosis and prognosis of periodontal vertical bony defect
  • Soft tissue prognostic factors for periodontal regeneration
  • Minimally invasive approach versus mucogingival approach to periodontal regeneration: rational and indications

The mucogingival approach to periodontal regeneration:

  • The connective tissue wall technique
  • The esthetic treatment of gummy smile and passive altered eruption

Periodontal surgery and prosthetic rehabilitation in the esthetic area:

  • Resective surgery for crown lengthening or periodontal disease
  • Conservative surgery with connective tissue graft wall technique

Hands-on session (Pig-Jaw):

  • Training on clinical techniques covered during the course
  • All necessary materials are provided by the Institute

Live surgery

  • Surgical cases on mucogingival surgery on teeth
MODULE 2 | 7 - 8 - 9 July 2025

Soft tissue management around implants

Duration: 3 Days
By Prof. Giovanni Zucchelli

Lecture, hands-on and Live surgery
Location: Zucchelli Institute, Bologna, Italy

Day 1-2-3 from 9am to 6pm

Welcome to the module that is part of the 10 Days Full International Program. You can enroll in either the single module or the entire Full Program.


  • Tooth loss for dental reason: endodontic failure, root fractures, root resorption, tooth decay
  • Teeth and implant in the esthetic zone: biological and anatomical background and considerations
  • The supracrestal component of the root with connective tissue attachment
  • Keratinized tissue height and supra-crestal soft tissue thickness
  • Buccal soft tissue margin and peri-implant papilla
  • Bundle bone and Alveolar bone
  • Peri-implant soft tissue dehiscence: diagnosis and associated factors
  • Classification of peri-implant soft tissue dehiscence
  • The prosthetic-mucogingival approach for the treatment of peri-implant soft tissue dehiscence
  • How to overcome the limit of flapless immediate implant placement
  • The role of the connective tissue graft
  • The role of immediate temporization

The mucogingival approach to immediate implant placement:

  • Gingival recession at the tooth to be extracted
  • Loss of papilla height and thickness
  • Loss of the buccal bone
  • Gingival recession or altered passive eruption at the adjacent teeth
  • The mucogingival approach to delayed implant placement with and without immediate temporization
  • Is socket preservation an alternative to soft tissue augmentation?
  • Keratinized tissue height or transmucosal path at implant site in non esthetic area

The increase of keratinized tissue height around implants:

  • Before implant placement
  • During implant placement
  • After implant placement
  • The submarginal connective tissue graft during implant placement to provide an emergence profile to implant supported crown in non esthetic area

Hands-on session (Pig-Jaw):

  • Training on clinical techniques covered during the course
  • All necessary materials are provided by the Institute

Live surgery

  • Surgical case on mucogingival surgery on implants
MODULE 3 | 3 - 4 - 5 November 2025

Advanced techniques and management of complication in soft tissue plastic surgery

Duration: 3 Days
By Prof. Giovanni Zucchelli - Prof. Carlo Monaco

Lecture, hands-on and Live surgery
Location: Zucchelli Institute, Bologna, Italy

Day 1-2-3 from 9am to 6pm

Welcome to the module that is part of the 10 Days Full International Program. You can enroll in either the single module or the entire Full Program.


  • Tooth loss for periodontal reason
  • Peri-implant papilla reconstruction
  • Multiple edentulous sites
  • Tooth extraction for periodontal reason: Healing of the socket, timing of the healing, treatment of periodontal infection
  • The mucogingival approach to delayed implant placement after tooth extraction for periodontal reason
  • The connective tissue platform technique for single edentulous site
  • The modified connective tissue platform technique for single edentulous site
  • Peri-implant papilla reconstruction at single implant with adjacent natural teeth
  • The mucogingival approach to implant therapy in multiple edentulous sites
  • The connective tissue platform technique for multiple edentulous site
  • The modified connective tissue platform technique for multiple edentulous site
  • Peri-implant papilla reconstruction between two adjacent implants
  • Mucogingival approach to full arch implant rehabilitation
  • Soft tissue management at pontic sites
  • Beyond the limits of soft tissue management around implants
  • The connective tissue platform technique for the treatment of esthetic failures around malpositioned implants with peri-implant papilla loss
  • The mucogingival approach to implant extraction for peri-implantitis

The prosthetic treatment after soft tissue management around teeth and implants (Prof Carlo Monaco)

How to prevent and manage soft tissue management complications:

  • How to manage flap perforation
  • How to manage flap dehiscence
  • How to avoid scar formation
  • How to manage graft exposure
  • How to manage gingival recession at the palatal root after harvesting technique

Hands-on session (Pig-Jaw):

  • Training on clinical techniques covered during the course
  • All necessary materials are provided by the Institute

Live surgery

  • Surgical cases on mucogingival surgery


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